September 22' Edition

colourful, creative
inspo comin’ in hot! 🌈✨

Holy moly!! It's September!! Where the f did August go though?

HELLO SPRING (my fave season of the year) 🌸 AND seeya l8r winter 👋🏼  The sun is starting to shine!! The days are getting longer!! The flowers are beginning to poke their heads out!! The air is getting warmer!! And the vibes are just generally getting higher!! Winter is a tough one for me, this one was especially, but much like the flowers I'm starting to feel like poking my head out a bit more.

I've come to love the beginning of each month with you here, where I'm able to take some time to reflect on the past 30ish days. It's like a nice anchor point for me, as each month seems to zoom by faster and faster. What I've realised after reflecting on this past month, is that August was a nice big warm hug to myself, all about filling up my cup.

It was filled with two beautiful weekends away with friends (one by the river and one by the ocean), gallery adventures with my granny, getting into nature more in general, connecting with other creatives, feeling at one with my community, some dedicated time brainstorming what the next chapter of Lize Designs might look like, as well as kicking off some FUN, colourful new projects (that's what I'm all about).

I feel energised, excited and like I'm buzzing with ideas. After a small period feeling a bit lost, I feel like I'm on the right path again. Isn't this what Spring is all about!? Coming out of hibernation and buzzing with energy and life after a few months tucked away in our hidy holes?

This time of year is a great moment for shifting energy. So, could you think about an intention you would like to set for yourself to guide you through the rest of the year?

Mine is:
To seek out joy. 

If you're open to sharing, I'd love you to hit reply and let me know what your intention is too.

Anyway, let's get into the fun stuff 🤪

Font of the moment

How bloody cute is Pink Sherbert by @nickylaatz!

A playful little layered font to give us those warmer weather vibes 😎

posts in my instagram saves

Colour. Fun. All round good vibes.

1// ADORE this painting and all of @hiabbyhi's other creations 😍

2// This branding for @paia.juiceryby is UNREAL!!! This custom logo is doing things to me 🤪❤️‍🔥

3// Watch this beautiful reel of blooming poppies from @budclubflowers 🥺🌸

4// Reckon I can go a month without including something tufted from my saves hehe?
(Spoiler alert: definitely not! 🤠) These cuties by @imogenpip

5// I feel this is very much sums up the vibe right now - put beautifully by angel @bijaruh

6// Studio goals!!! How bright and colourful is this fun print wall in @macarenaluzi's studio!

something that's inspired me

This was one of the most profound podcast episodes I have ever listened to. It's can be confronting or triggering for some in certain moments, but I had so many revelations while listening. Mostly when Mia and Johann spoke about loneliness.

As someone who has always identified as an introvert and absolutely can't function without spending some time in solitude to recharge my batteries, I thought working from home was my IDEAL situation. But I have come to realise that this actually may not be the case. While I ADORE being my own boss and working for myself, that doesn't necessarily mean I will work or feel my best when in physical solitude the whole time.

As humans, when we are alone for certain periods of time, it actually activates a biological threat response in us, usually showing up as anxiety or depression. Back in the day, we just wouldn't have survived when we wandered off on our own, so that threat response was activated in us to send an alert to find and go back to the tribe. And wow, it all makes sense.

This is only the surface of what this episode revealed for me.
I couldn't recommend listening to this episode enough.

It has inspired me to return to my search for the perfect creative coworking space! Even just a couple of days a week to get me out of the at home studio. If you know somewhere great for creatives in Melbourne's north, let me know 😉

something i'm trying out

Japa जप : the repetitive uttering of mantra.

Yesterday marked the first day of my first 40 day Japa journey, led by the angels Alison Rice and Dalia Gencher. Japa is a beautifully supportive practice that involves the chanting of a mantra internally or externally around mala beads.

This particular journey is about giving ourselves the space and grace for self love, softness and ease. It is about releasing control and surrendering to Nature. I believe that when we fully let go and surrender to life, is when the most beautiful things can happen in our life.

Throughout this journey my intention is to release control over:

📿 The expectation or need to be or do things a certain way.

📿 Anything that is stopping me from feeling joy.

📿 Conditioned ideas of what success looks like.

I look forward to this beautiful experience over the next 40 days. 💛

Thank you so much for being here and making it to the end of my newsletter. I know our inboxes can get flooded with ‘stuff’ so I feel honoured that I have a space in yours 💖

Lots of love from ya quirky, colourful creative, Lize xxx

Seeya next month!

What are your favourite tools for admin & housekeeping? 👀🫶🏼

The tool that totally changed my whole biz game was Dubsado! Dubsado is a business management tool for creatives and freelancers that can completely automate your workflow from the moment someone sends you an enquiry to the moment you offboard a client. You can send automated emails, invoices, proposals, contracts, book calls and more through Dubsado. I save SO MUCH admin time by using Dubsado. I literally couldn't run my biz without it.

Use my code (lizedesigns) or click here to receive 20% off your first month or year 🤩

Do you have a burning design/branding/business question you’re dying to have answered? 🔥 Submit your questions and I'll answer in next month's newsletter!!

submit your qs ->